
Mindfulness is a mental state achieved by focusing one’s awareness on the present moment, while calmly acknowledging and accepting one’s feelings, thoughts, and bodily sensations, used as a therapeutic technique. Practicing mindfulness has many benefits, both physically and mentally. By being more mindful you can help lower your stress levels, restore an internal balance, reduce …

Let your dreams be bigger than your fears

Goals and Dreams

What is your life’s goal or dream? To own a big house or a new car, to be financially secure, to start a family, or to start a business? To be happy and free? The list goes on, each person has their own personal aspirations, little and big. What are you doing to reach your …

Rocky seashore

Declutter Your Life

Start by making a decluttering plan. Walk around each room of your home with a notebook in hand. What makes you unhappy or causes you stress? These are the things that you need to take care of. It will probably take a few weeks to clear the entire house, and that is okay. It’s okay …

Don't be afraid to be great

Ideal Life

When you were a kid, what did you dream your life would be like? Did you see yourself working where you are now? Living in the home or town where you currently are? Are you 100% content with your life? Did you answer with a No? What are you doing, RIGHT NOW to make this …

Rocks in a body of water

Reducing Mental Clutter

When you simplify and declutter your life, you will find it is less stressful, more meaningful and much more fulfilling. Do you have a long-standing, long-running to-do list? Does it fill you with dread? Reevaluate your list. Ask yourself, “Will I actually do the things listed”? Break your list down into 2 lists, Important & …

Stress. Sources, effects, and reducers.

People surround themselves with things and people to make up for what’s missing in their lives. Sometimes there is so much it clutters your mind and causes unnecessary stress. Yet, when you simplify and declutter your life, you will find it to be more meaningful and much more fulfilling. Sources of stress. Work, family, school, …

Invest In Yourself

What is a life coach?

A life coach is unconnected to other areas of your life. A coach will listen, talk with you, formulate a game plan, and above all, she will not judge you. Together we can help clarify an issue. By offering unbiased advice and brainstorming with you, you will choose the path that best suits your needs. …