
Mindfulness is a mental state achieved by focusing one’s awareness on the present moment, while calmly acknowledging and accepting one’s feelings, thoughts, and bodily sensations, used as a therapeutic technique.

Practicing mindfulness has many benefits, both physically and mentally. By being more mindful you can help lower your stress levels, restore an internal balance, reduce anxiety, it may help relieve pain, increase concentration, and focus, and improve sleep.

Simple yet effective ways to practice mindfulness:

  • Sit and breathe. Take deep slow breathes, really feel them. Notice what is happening to your body as you are breathing. Focus on your breathing, don’t let your mind wander. Let the thoughts that do come into your mind fade away. Don’t focus on them, only your deep breathing.
  • Take a walk. Give your full attention to your surroundings. Feel the air on your face, hear the sounds, feel the ground under your feet, notice the smells. Focus on the experience of just walking.
  • Enjoy what you eat. When eating, notice the temperature of the food, the texture, the taste of each ingredient. What feelings are you experiencing? Be aware of what you are feeling and tasting.
  • Take a warm bath. Feel the way the water splashes on your skin, smell the soaps, take note of the water and air temperature. How does it make you feel? Be aware of your thoughts and feelings.
  • Be present. As you are visit with someone, notice them completely. The color of their eyes, the texture of their skin, the sound of their voice. Be fully present, give them and the conversation your complete attention.

Give each action of your day your full attention. Feel the sensations of each thing you do and reflect on how it makes you feel.

snapshot photo of a mountain landscape

As you wake up, don’t reach for your phone. Lay in bed and take a moment to absorb the sounds around you. When you are waiting for your coffee or breakfast, visualize your ideal day. Ask yourself, “What am I grateful for?” or “How can I appreciate all that today has to offer?” When driving to work, take note of the sounds or smells outside of your car. At work, try not to multitask. Focus on only one task or project at a time. This can also help you feel less swamped. While you are eating a meal, notice the textures and flavors, savor the food. Take your time, as you talk with your partner, notice how you feel. Listen to your body for indications that you are full. And finally, focus on the sounds of your breathing as you drift off to sleep. If thoughts of the day arise, disregard them, do not dwell on them.

Whatever you do, whether it’s reading, walking, eating, taking a bath, visiting with someone, taking a time out, be completely in the moment.